No Matter Where You Live In The World
A Few Questions BEFORE You Join:
“If You Answered “YES” To Any Of These Questions, Then This Online Coaching Club Has Been Created With You In Mind”
This unique badminton coaching club is the world’s first online program to offer you a real player:coach relationship.
The coach:player relationship is very important and special.
It requires respect for each others views, honesty, trust and a desire to grow together to help you, the player, achieve your goals. Whilst it would be fantastic for me to jump in the car, on a train or plane to meet you in person and go on court with you, sadly that’s not feasible.
However, this online badminton coaching club provides you with the next best option when lack of coaches and/or budget are barriers to your success. The only thing stopping you reaching your desired goals is you. So, your involvement and application need to be as focused as if I was present with you.
Success Leaves Clues
Success is never instantaneous. Ask any top flight player and they will tell you how much behind-the-scenes work is required. However, success leaves clues, and behind every successful player is a coach. The coach provides helps with on court training, off court conditioning, nutrition and psychology. Your coach has to be you confidant, your go-to person when whether you’re playing well or suffering from a few poor results.
That’s what I want to be for you.
We Can Track Your Progress Together
Becoming proficient, then highly skilled at anything requires time and dedication. It’s also best to have that frequent, regular time with your coach to keep you on track.
When you don’t have a coach or the budget for one, it is so easy to lose track or motivation. This is why the online badminton coaching club will work for you. We can track your progress together and make adjustments to your training and/or technique when required.
“For the first time, YOU can be coached by an International Badminton Coach, no matter where you live in the world”
How Does It Work?
The Online Badminton Coaching Club is an interactive program divided into three parts:
Video Library
Access to a database of more than 85 videos (this number will continue to grow over time) providing ‘step by step’ instructions for specific shots as well as tactical lessons.
Private Facebook Group
Only members will have access to this special Group. This is where you can ask questions, comment on other player’s questions, and request further training videos.
Live Webinars/ Q&A
Again, only available to Online Coaching Club Members, these live, interactive zoom webinars will focus on specific topics suggested by members by like you.
Readers of my blog are aware that I successfully run residential badminton coaching weekends at Lilleshall in England. These programs attract intermediate to advanced level players from all corners of the UK and Europe.
Throughout the years, I have recorded hour after hour of coaching. These videos were never meant for release to the public. Why? Unlike other coaching videos you find on Youtube, I’m not addressing a camera. I am coaching players like you, live. My attention is on them and not the camera. They ask questions and comment which I respond to as you would expect in any coaching session.
The information I provide in these videos is excellent but, as the intention was only to use the video for my own purposes, the quality of video and sound could be better at times, although it’s good enough so that you can see and understand what is happening on court. The intention was always to keep badminton coaching at Lilleshall behind closed doors. However;
“As a badminton player, all you want is to get the right badminton coaching and implement into your game.”

This is why I relented and have made these videos available to you. Players who attended the courses at Lilleshall wanted these videos as a source of reference to re-visit and re-learn the various skills taught over the weekends.
Rather than simply present the videos on a platform and create yet another ‘coach telling you what to do program’, as a player I desire more and no doubt you do too. The online badminton coaching club has therefore been created with you in mind.
But, you need to know what to do, how to do it and why you’re doing it.
This program meets all of these special criteria and more… You see, you’ll have my trained eye watching you in training, copying the techniques and skills learned on video, helping you adjust and develop until you can integrate them into your game. And that’s what makes this program different and more successful.
“You have my trained eye watching you learning and trying these techniques and skills, helping you make adjustments until you get it right.”
There are over 85 training videos in the Online Video Library and more will be added. If there is a particular topic you would like to cover, then you can request it. The next time I film at Lilleshall, I will cover this topic and add the video to the library. Where else can you do this?
Let’s summarise the benefits of this club to you…
- As soon as you join, you will be invited to book a one-to-one welcome call with me
- There are over 85 coaching videos online now and the library is growing
- You can ask for specific topics and they will be filmed for you
- You will be invited to join my Elite Private Coaching Facebook Group. Only members will have access to this special Group. This is where you can ask questions, comment on other player’s questions, and request further training videos.
- Access to my Facebook or interactive Zoom live seminars where I focus on specific topics requested by members like you. These seminars allow you to ask questions and raise comments. It could be that your particular topic of interest is selected for the next seminar. Typically these sessions run for 40 minutes. Note, these live session are ONLY available to club members.
The earlier you become a member of this exclusive online coaching program, the faster you will develop and improve your knowledge and technical abilities.
Occasionally, it may be easier if we speak and watch a video together (subject to diary availability and limited to 1 call per 6 month period per pseron). At times like this, we can talk live either via Zoom, Skype or through Facebook. No other online coaching club in the world provides you with this personal access to your coach.
What’s The Cost?
I want to make this online coaching club available to as many players as I can around the world. I have set the cost from as little as £1.79 per week (based on a 12 month membership), with 6 monthly / monthly options also available. It’s a small price to pay for the massive benefits you’ll gain from this coaching.
How do I join this elite coaching club?
It’s really simple!
Click on ‘Join Now’ under your chosen membership option below and you will be taken to a page to create your login details and make your payment. This can be collected via Stripe (for credit card payments) or Paypal (you don’t have to have an existing Paypal account).
Payment will be collected in the name of Profit Masters Ltd.
All payment plans have the same member benefits, we are just able to pass on discounts for a longer term commitment as our transaction fees will reduce.
Your membership confirmation will then be emailed to you within the hour. (Please check your spam box).
Monthly Plan
- Video Library Access
- Private Facebook Group Access
- Ability To Join Private, Member Only Webinars
6 Monthly Plan
- Video Library Access
- Private Facebook Group Access
- Ability To Join Private, Member Only Webinars
Annual Plan
- Video Library Access
- Private Facebook Group Access
- Ability To Join Private, Member Only Webinars
So, what are you waiting for? Sign up and start learning.
Take your time to go through the videos and I recommend you spend time on one particular topic until you have become proficient. Join the Q&A sessions to ask for specific support, whilst learning from others too.
Remember, no other online badminton coaching club offers you a two-way relationship with the coach. So, not only do you have access to the coaching videos, you also have the private Facebook group and live interactive Q&A sessions!
I looking forward to seeing inside.