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What Size Grip To Have?
September 22, 2011
1:32 pm
Peter Warman
United Kingdom
Forum Posts: 239
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May 25, 2010
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Hi, I would like to ask this to see if anyone has any suggestions.


As you may or may not know, I hurt my wrist a while back and it is slowly on the mend.


I played last week and whilst it hurt a little bit at the beginning of the night last week, it was generally OK after that.


However, a friend of mine suggested putting an extra overwrap on my grip (he thinks my grip is too small anyway) as the extra cushioning should help stop the pain in my wrist so much.


I tried this and my wrist felt even WORSE for it. I was expecting it to either be better or the same, so this was a bit of a surprise. I took the extra overwrap off for the last game of the night and it felt a bit better but it was hard to tell as my wrist was sore from before.


So, my question is, was putting an extra overwrap on my grip a bad thing? Smaller grips can cause injury but can too many grips do the same? Or did it hurt more as it was strengthening itself up? I know you have to rest and injury but then there comes a time where you have to let it hurt so that it will repair itself and make it stronger.


What’s people’s ideas on this? Should I put the overwrap back on for next week or leave it off? I know the rule of thumb is that your fingers should not touch your palm when you are holding a racket (but not tightly), but how much of a gap you should allow is debateable. I don’t have much of a gap, more like a hairline gap! Surprised


I know I didn’t have a problem with wrist injury from my grip before I hurt my wrist but I thought I could have extra grip to aid recovery now that I am injured. But then maybe it was worse from the light wrist exercises that I have been doing every night? *insert joke here* Laugh


One is confused right now Cry


P.S Whilst there are other posts on the subject of grips, I don't think I have seen one that talks about what size to have as rule of thumb, but just about different grips you can get and that its all down to preference. I wanted to talk about the pro's and con's of over and under gripping Smile

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September 22, 2011
2:33 pm
Northern Ireland, UK

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Generally ur grip size sounds correct. Ur fingers shouldnt touch your palm and their should be a slight gap (mines is only hairline also :p) but if it makes it feel worse, I would avoid it to be honest mate.


Generally wrist pain comes from the forearm. U need to stretch the forearm muscles to help them. Light resistance with a resistance band would also help providing the pain is very minimal and build it up from their. 


But go see a physio or sports masseur lol

September 24, 2011
3:14 pm
Paul Stewart
Cheshire, UK
Forum Posts: 1283
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Most players tend to increase the size of the grip due to injury – mainly tennis elbow.


What the oversize grip can do is reduce the movememt in the wrist and therefore this becomes restrictive when performing overhead shots, especially the smash.


An  undersize grip generally is the root cause of tennis elbow due to gripping too hard (this can also be to poor technique and/or slow shuttle speeds).


Wrist injuries are quite rare in badminton. Peter the advice you received was fair, based on the princliples of tennis elbow injuries. However, it really is trial and error to see if it works. 


Watch Peter Gade and you'll see he has a reasonably large grip compared to most players. Again, grip size is like most things in badminton  – it's personal.


For me, the grip is one of the most vital fundamental skills a player must master. Grip is one of the pillars of skill and is often overlooked by club and league players.


Generally the right size grip will allow the player to grip properly and their third finger should just about touch the fleshy part of the thumb.



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