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Doubles Movement
October 4, 2010
12:55 pm
Paul Stewart
Cheshire, UK
Forum Posts: 1283
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February 15, 2011
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As you know, I'm currently writing like crazy on various topics.

One of my big topics is movement and I'll be filming two videos on movement for my Online Coaching Program next week.

As I was writing the video content I began thinking back to what little coaching I had received over the years. In particular I questioned whether I had actually received any specific coaching on movement in doubles and I really struggled to think of a session.

This prompted me to think about forum members and players who read my forum.

So, it's worth asking you the same question…what specific doubles movement coaching have you received and how beneficial has it been for you?

Your answers will help me design a video I'm writing on doubles movement as it will help me understand what other coaches have been teaching and most important, what's being left out! It will also help me record a video for you aside from my Online Coaching Program so you get the benefit too.

Over to you…


October 4, 2010
5:06 pm
Matthew Seeley

VIP Coaching Program Members
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August 12, 2010
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I have been taught specifically how to move back for a flick serve. This same kind of pattern may be used for receiving a high serve in singles, but actually it CAN be done differently to simply moving backwards like you would for a rear corner.


I have been taught specifically how to move with relation to ones partner – this could come under doubles positioning, but actually details the directions that you will move, and when you will move e.g. if you were going to allow a rear court attacker to “rotate” and come forwards to the net, how specifically would you move i.e. where, and WHEN would you move i.e. do you move after, before or during your opponents hit. I have also been told how to position my feet based on where my partner is, which isn't movement, but i think is applicable.


I have been taught specifically how to move side to side quickly as a frontcourt player (when intercepting shots/driving etc), but never how to move quickly as a rearcourt player. This movement I was taught, seems to be specific to doubles, as it doesn't really have any application in singles.


I expect a lot of people have had some coaching on WHERE to move, but not necessarily HOW to move.


Thats my initial thoughts… not sure whether some of them are truly specific to doubles, and some may be considered POSITIONING, but actually, I see them as slightly different.



October 13, 2010
11:13 pm
Paul Stewart
Cheshire, UK
Forum Posts: 1283
Member Since:
February 15, 2011
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Had a great coaching session tonight running a session on doubles movement.

I tried something I'd never done before. In fact I only thought of it in the car this morning – a really off the wall exercise that worked so well I'm going to use it whenever I work with pairs on movement and positioning.

The beauty of this exercise was that it worked the non hitting player harder than the hitter.

What we witnessed during the session was a very fast development and complete understanding of positioning. Within 30 minutes the players looked like a formidable, complete working pair which was a pleasure to see.

That's another tool in my bag from now on!


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