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Mental Toughness Training and Tips
December 23, 2011
9:44 pm
Paul Stewart
Cheshire, UK
Forum Posts: 1283
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February 15, 2011
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I can't remember where you live but perhaps we need a talk like I had with Ed. I'm confident I can help solve the mental aspects of your game so the offer is there if you need it.



December 24, 2011
5:16 pm
Forum Posts: 34
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May 6, 2010
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Paul, I live in bournemouth, south coast. Thank you for the offer of help, I would be delighted to talk it over with you. I know how much it helped Ed and I am sure it will help me considerably as well 🙂

December 31, 2011
3:39 pm
Paul Stewart
Cheshire, UK
Forum Posts: 1283
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February 15, 2011
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We'll arrange a call in early 2012 so you get the maximum benefit for the remainder of the season and beyond.


What I will tell you will seem rather strange but Ed will certainly testify he received the same information and look how well he is doing. What I teach really works – you don't need to know how it works, but trust it and do what I suggest. And, it's really easy to do to!



December 31, 2011
3:39 pm
Paul Stewart
Cheshire, UK
Forum Posts: 1283
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February 15, 2011
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We'll arrange a call in early 2012 so you get the maximum benefit for the remainder of the season and beyond.


What I will tell you will seem rather strange but Ed will certainly testify he received the same information and look how well he is doing. What I teach really works – you don't need to know how it works, but trust it and do what I suggest. And, it's really easy to do to!



January 12, 2012
10:12 pm
Forum Posts: 38
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October 25, 2010
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I have started playing again Pete,   but sadly I still dont enjoy it and leave most nights boiling with rage. Not sure why I actually play badminton, and I am hard pushed to remember when I last played and actually enjoyed it.

I think my mental state before, during and after will stop me from progressing as a player. I have thought about hypnotherapy etc,  but its far too expensive, and possibly a little drastic. I worry about the stigma surrounding it etc



Peter Warman said:

Term, that does seem quite extreme for a reason to give up badminton to be fair. But then fair play for stopping if you are no longer enjoying it. I don't know if I have come across that I get really angry with myself as I don't, it's just a little thing on the back of my mind. As a person I don't seem to accept positive comments from people, often question why are they being so nice to me?! lol


But I do still enjoy my badminton and I certainly don't let it stop me from enjoying playing. I guess I just have a secret desire that maybe if I had taken up the game sooner or more competitively then I would be a better player than I am now. But if I am honest, like Paul said, no badminton player plays without thinking “could do this better or that”, I think this what drives us on to do better or try and do better. And to be brutelly honest, I am always going to be handicaped compared to normal players as hearing the shuttle and what not helps their game.


I have been trying to be more positive on court and whilst I haven't improved a lot in terms of play, it has help a bit. I have been mainly using the mental thinking of playing each point in the same frame of mind regardless of the score and forget any mistakes from the last point and start afresh with the next point. I think this has helped me a bit, especially in singles (which I haven't played for a while).


I think you should try playing again Term, if I had given up badminton, I wouldn't visit this website any more, so maybe you haven't given up as much as think you have. Why not play again and take some of Paul's advice? I think you should try playing for a different club or against different people. Maybe it was that group of people that made you feel like this? Or maybe you played too often? Just my 2p, just don't like to think that your not playing any more, I play once a week (matches aside) and can't wait to play the next week, whilst part of me would like to play more, another part doesn't as this makes me enjoy it even more.



January 13, 2012
11:33 am
Paul Stewart
Cheshire, UK
Forum Posts: 1283
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February 15, 2011
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I may have an answer for you. Why not set up a call with me because I feel what is going on has nothing to do with badminton and more to do with life itself. I feel you are using badminton as your focus to vent your feelings. There is certainly a lot more here than a sudden dislike of the game.


I pay particular attention to the words you used. If you are boiling with rage then clearly you are living a pattern of behaviour that is not sefving your bests interests, whether on or off the court.


Make a decision to change that and set up a call with me.



January 13, 2012
8:31 pm
Forum Posts: 38
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October 25, 2010
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Hi Paul,


I’d certain be open to any help you can offer,  and I think you are right,  this is a negative mindset that crosses over into every aspect of my life, not just badminton.  Badminton just seems to make my blood boil more often than other things,

you already have my email and are welcome to contact me, or how do I setup a call ?



January 20, 2012
10:38 am
Paul Stewart
Cheshire, UK
Forum Posts: 1283
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February 15, 2011
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Email me and provide your phone number. We'll set up a convenient time and get to the route of this for you.


I helped another forum member recently and they are now moving in the right direction too.


What I can't guarantee is that you will rediscover a love for badminton and it's not my intention to even try. The idea is to help you re-wire your current thinking patterns to help you begin to resolve all the stuff in your life. How this relates to badminton will be your choice.



January 20, 2012
3:57 pm
Forum Posts: 34
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May 6, 2010
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I have recently spoken with Paul about various mental issues in the game that were troubling me. Paul's suggestions have helped me no end. One phrase that was very helpful to me was to try to 'earn' one point from the opponents. Not a point gifted or from a loose shot or mistake, a point where we have crafted the right shots to set up and kill off the shuttle. In fact just setting up the shuttle ready for the kill is a success in itself! This helped me focus more and channel my thoughts in to either setting my partner up or killing off the shuttle myself.

Having started playing league this season before talking this over I had had two pretty heavy defeats but yesterday we came away with a good win which was very pleasing. It is amazing how much we get effected by negative thoughts on the badminton court be that from our own frustration or that of our partners washing over on to us. Once we can clear this cloud of negativity we start to give ourselves a chance to shine. Almost like driving out of the fog in to the clear daylight. CoolSmile

Thanks to Paul for your generosity in taking the time to talk things over with me and everyone's helpful comments here. I do now feel armed with the tools to start moving in the right direction. I will keep you all posted on how things go. Laugh

January 24, 2012
11:50 am
Paul Stewart
Cheshire, UK
Forum Posts: 1283
Member Since:
February 15, 2011
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It's my pleasure. As you know, if I wrote an article based on the tools I gave you and Ed, most of the readers would think I was eccentric or lost the plot completely. However, you KNOW this stuff works.



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