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Badminton Shoes
April 14, 2011
9:18 pm
Forum Posts: 186
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March 2, 2010
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When I started I bought me a pair of Nike indoor shoes. Thought they were good. A few years later I needed new ones, and bought the cheapest Yonex shoes (57N for 50€), only then I felt the difference. I still play with them, 2)3 times a week. But there's no doubt other brands make good badmintonshoes too, but now I would prefer a badminton related brand.

I only play with one pair of (rather) thick cotton socks, never had any blister. Ever.

Cheers, ED

April 15, 2011
1:13 pm
U.K. London
Forum Posts: 6
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April 11, 2011
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I've seen a pair of Nike squash/Badminton shoes which I can pick up for around £24.99 at Sports Direct.

Any of you guys/girls tried these on? They look pretty decent and also trust Nike.



April 15, 2011
1:49 pm
Peter Warman
United Kingdom
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sketchy said:

Lol, yeah.

Best of all, they have a picture of the Michelin man on the heel. 8)

babolat ShadowImage Enlarger

They aren't as orange as I imanged them to be when you first said they were orange! They are quite nice, I would actully wear a pair, and I too like the little Michelin man. I can just hear myself now “what soles have you got? I've got Michelin!” *bruuuum brruuuuum*  Laugh  Cool

Badminton Gives Me A Purpose In Life – To Serve Others
I'd Rather Be Playing Badminton…………..

April 15, 2011
7:38 pm
Paul Stewart
Cheshire, UK
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February 15, 2011
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They have to be better than running shoes. Over time you may test others and find the brand you prefer. But, for now, at this price, your future shoes look bright – your future shoes look orange (sorry, couldn’t resist!).


June 18, 2011
10:59 pm
Jonathan BEL
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Hello Guys,


How are you ?


It's been a long time since I haven't come on this forum as I have a lot of work to do and then less time to worry about Badminton (Yeah, that's a shame :D).


I wanted to know if any of you has seen or maybe has bought the new SHB 102 of Yonex. For now, I'm using SHB 101 but Yonex won't produced them anymore.

So I'm thinking about buying a new pair of SHB 101 now which is at a lower price and keep it until I need to replace my old pair of shoes or maybe, not investing now and buy the SHB 102 when needed.


As I have fragile feet, I tend to invest as much as I can in good shoes since I have discovered how important they are. Do one of you know if the new SHB 102 with that “new technology” stuff will be a real replacement for the 101 or just a marketing trick ?



June 19, 2011
9:51 am
Paul Stewart
Cheshire, UK
Forum Posts: 1283
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February 15, 2011
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Hi Jonathan
Welcome back.
I haven’t tested the new SBH102 shoe and personally don’t like it. I know that there was mixed reception at All Englands about the shoes and many retailers did not order them as expected. The surprise in shoes was the success of the yellow SHB92.
If I was you I would buy the SBH101 which you know suit your feet. They tend to be selling for less these days so it maybe worth buying a couple of pairs. Eventually you’ll have to bite the bullet and test shoes again but in the meantime you may as well take advantage of the current pricing.

June 26, 2011
9:26 am
Forum Posts: 34
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March 2, 2011
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It's funny when you talk about blisters. I have been playing badminton since I was about 7 years old and I”ve never, ever, had any blisters from badminton. Then last year I did taekwondo instead of badminton and I consistantly had blisters after every bloody training.

My point being that shoes matter a great deal.

I almost grind through my shoes, none of them ever last more than one season. After one year, my once white aesics just turned yellow/greyish and there is a huge hole right above the right foots toe area because of front court footwork.

Now my question is, I've never tried yonex shoes before, but do they last longer?

June 26, 2011
12:12 pm
Forum Posts: 55
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January 24, 2011
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As someone who plays a lot (3-4 times a week during the season which lasts about 8 months), I can definitely attest to the quality of Yonex shoes. I've got 3 pairs, one lasted about one and a half season (old SHB 102 model I think) and I still use it for tennis, then I got 2 other pairs which I use for badminton, one older which I also have for about one and a half year, also old SHB 102 and one new pair of the yellow (SHB 92) ones. I bought two because I noticed that my intense amount of playing didn't give my shoes enough time to “recover” fast enough, I always had blisters because the sweat was still in the cloth of my shoes. I've had much less blisters since playing with 2 pairs.

Nonetheless, I'll buy another pair in autumn because my older pair has also worn out over the years, it doesn't quite give me the stability especially in the ankle area as my SHB 92. Still, I think Yones shoes rank among the very best in stability, durability and comfort, you won't be disappointed if you buy some ;).

<3 Badminton!

June 27, 2011
4:03 pm
Paul Stewart
Cheshire, UK
Forum Posts: 1283
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One of the important things I learned on my travels was the importance of finding the correct footwear for you.

I read many books on the subject of coaching, no matter what the sport, as there are always great insights to discover. One of these came from an American basketball coach. He was fanatical about detail even to the point that players learned how to put on their socks correctly. Sounds unusual? Follow me on this. If you put your socks on incorrectly, you’ll get a blister. If you get a blister, it affects your performance. If you perform badly, the team may also perform badly which means you lose. You can’t win a championship by losing games you should win.

Now some of you may scoff a little at this example. However, Wooden, the coach, just so happens to be the most successful basketball coach in  American history winning countless titles. I’m really doing him a disservice by not detailing his achievements.

Think of this in terms of playing a badminton tournament or league match. A blister really affects your movement. If you struggle to move you cannot get to the shuttle in time to play your best shots. If you can’t play your best shots, you can’t win as many points. Hence, you can’t win as many games.

Yves had a great tip about using multiple pairs of shoes to allow the last pair time to dry out and be ready for his next match. This takes a small amount of discipline to organise your bag and rotate your shoes. Not exactly difficult to do but could make a massive difference to results you get.


June 28, 2011
9:36 pm
Forum Posts: 12
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June 14, 2010
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I have found yonex shoes pretty poor for early wearing – especially on the side of the (non racquet foot) big toe.  I had to return one pair of the ~£40 range because it wore through 50% after 6 hours of play.  I didnt risk them again and went for some more expensive mx101 with better quality leather.  I have destroyed them in 9 months in the same place and the sole is nearly coming off from the toes as well.


I have bought some asics that have rubber protection on the troublesome area.  Let's see how long these last…!

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