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Check court before play
June 13, 2012
1:06 am
Forum Posts: 49
Member Since:
December 29, 2011
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Today I had a training with a group of people and we played singles. So I twisted my knee because I didn’t check the court. The player before me has got his sweat on the floor since we are not like the pros that do the thing that they wipe their sweat off and like throw it to the side. So I was moving to my forehand rear court so I did a split step then shasay then when I was about to jump my right foot was on some sweat so I have my weight going the completely opposite direction as my foot because I slipped. So I had ice it then went to a and e n took 120ml of blood that was going to clot together out. When I go home I spent an hour using a ultra sound machine to stop my knee gettin swollen so I still can’t walk. That’s why I said check the court before u start and during play to prevent accident.

June 13, 2012
7:11 pm
Forum Posts: 106
Member Since:
April 15, 2010
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Very good advice Zack.

I always have a quick scan of the court before I play as I too have slipped on moisture on the court. I lunged to the net and my foot slid straight forward and I collapsed onto my left leg which would have been dragging behind. I was lucky in that I was able to get up and very slowly walk it off.

Hope you have a fast recovery!

June 17, 2012
2:18 pm
Paul Stewart
Cheshire, UK
Forum Posts: 1283
Member Since:
February 15, 2011
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Checking the court before play as an absolute MUST for coaches.


At Lilleshall, I check the hall before the players arrive, and that includes walking every court. After all, nobody can afford to take a chance with slippery floors as the likelihood of injury is just too great.


It's a shame that some sports centres know they have poor floors. They blame the school and not having sufficient time to clean the floor. Personally I think it's the wrong attitude. They should also consider whether they can hire a court out when they know it's poor to play on.



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