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Flick serve in MD
March 11, 2013
9:46 am
Forum Posts: 17
Member Since:
December 27, 2012
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Hi all,

Q1, I usually play MD and recently I have found myself getting caught out a few times by flick serves. Now I am 28, 6'2 and I can generally move fairly fast around the court but I just cannot get back to get a return or I do manage to get back but not I do not give a strong reply. I wonder if its because I 'toe the line' when receiving serve so maybe I give too much space at the back for my opponent?


Q2, then when I try to catch my opponent out by using a flick serve I dont seem to execute it properly as often my opponent is able to return the serve with a smash straight to my body. Obviously I need to correct my technique for this serve, any tips?



March 11, 2013
2:11 pm
Paul Stewart
Cheshire, UK
Forum Posts: 1283
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February 15, 2011
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There are so many elements to consider to answer you correctly. Why not send me a video of you in both situations and I'll give you a few pointers.



March 12, 2013
3:55 am
Forum Posts: 17
Member Since:
December 27, 2012
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Hi Paul,

I will work on getting a video clip done in the next few weeks. But for now do you or others have any general pointers on this topic?


March 12, 2013
10:03 pm
Forum Posts: 186
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March 2, 2010
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Here's my humble opinion: I plan my flicks very carefully, and make sure they are proper flicks. Too high gives your opponent too much time to get into position. Too low and you get the return between your eyes. When the playing level is high, I rarely use a flick. I'd rather go for the drive on the backhand side. Also tricky though: too much power and the shuttle goes out at the back, too little power, and your opponent can intercept.

How to return a flick depends on what your opponent does. If I flick, I move side by side next to my partner on the court I served from. A few options: if your opponent flicks you and he moves backwards into defense

– drop on his partner side, because his partner needs to come forward from behind the server. Make sure your partner moves towards the net to kill a fluffy net return.

– smash between them (channel attack I believe it is called).

– smash to the servers body

A flick means they give you the attack, so try to attack. Really hard to write down situations, an image says more than a 1000 words, they say Smile. Paul will have a bag full of tips though, no doubt.

All the best, ED

March 12, 2013
11:54 pm
Paul Stewart
Cheshire, UK
Forum Posts: 1283
Member Since:
February 15, 2011
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline



To perfect your flick serve you need a good helper.


1) ask the helper to toe the service line in receipt of your serve and lift their racket in the air as high as possible. This gives you a good feel for the height the shuttle needs to be to pass beyond your opponent. You need to measure the difference in order to quick size up different opponents of varying heights.


2) read up on new service rules so you don't make the mistake many players do of trying to flick using the old rules.


3) place a box in the corner and flick into the box taking into consideration the height you must achieve to get beyond your opponent. Both speed, height and depth have to be good in order to make this serve effective.


4) many players strike the shuttle when it is too close to their body. This prevents them from getting any momentum or height. Test strikining the shuttle further in front of your body and I expect you will have a pleasant surprise.


5) When you hit the shuttle you need to feel you are hitting through it and not across it – another common fault. This ensure the shuttle is flying quickly.


6) send me your video from different angles and I will take a good look.


7) check you are serving with a backhand grip. I've spotted so many universal grips before and this is not the strongest grip for this serve, hence the lack of power.


8) try serving a few with your racket cover on. It will amaze you when you take the cover off how much more speed you have when hitting the shuttle.


I'll cover your return of the flick serve when I see you video (please make sure you show me lots of examples rather than 1, and post onto youtube, sending me the link.


Good luck



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