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Glad this guy isn't my coach!
March 30, 2011
8:49 pm
Rich Mets
Ambleside, Cumbria
Forum Posts: 37
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September 23, 2010
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Have any of you guys seen this joker on youtube ?? I'm pretty sure he smashes at the start with a pan handle grip…….. and Its a frickin' shuttle for crying out loud!! Yell




Oh dear.

March 30, 2011
10:51 pm
Paul Stewart
Cheshire, UK
Forum Posts: 1283
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February 15, 2011
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Too painful to watch.


March 31, 2011
1:37 pm
Matthew Seeley

VIP Coaching Program Members
Forum Posts: 391
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August 12, 2010
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Strange… that doesn't remind me of any technique I have considered useful…


Good luck to anyone who receives that coaching…



March 31, 2011
2:48 pm
Northern Ireland, UK

VIP Coaching Program Members
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August 10, 2010
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What exactly is wrong with his coaching???

March 31, 2011
8:05 pm

VIP Coaching Program Members
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December 4, 2010
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what he got it over the net! : )

April 1, 2011
10:47 pm
Forum Posts: 186
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March 2, 2010
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Just a little bit more quality coaching can be found here http://www.badmintonconnect.com/videos/

Or if you prefer live instead of electronic coaching, Lilleshall UK is the place to be (I've been told Laugh)

All the best, ED

April 2, 2011
11:14 am
Matthew Seeley

VIP Coaching Program Members
Forum Posts: 391
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August 12, 2010
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Ed: I DEFINITELY think the live coaching is the place to go 🙂 Next one is september 🙂

April 4, 2011
6:53 pm
Paul Stewart
Cheshire, UK
Forum Posts: 1283
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February 15, 2011
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Thanks for the vote of confidence guys!

The feedback forms from my last course are coming in now. I received feedback from Peter today. His last sentence reads “there's badmiton courses and there's Paul Stewart's Badminton Course.”

Earlier Peter said there was too much information to remember.

Yes, we do pack a lot into a weekend, but hopefully bits from each section will stick. It's impossible to take it all in.

On Sunday morning I did a Masterclass on receiving serve and the net. We covered a huge amount of material including new things I'd discovered and tested over the last three months. I know Matthew liked it because it helped solve a number of issues for him.

Putting this aside, there are lots of good coaches out there. Sadly, not many want to push the boundaries and test. However, they are very good at copying and translating the information for others to learn from. That's good too. I'm more concerned with the dangerous coaches who don't really know what they're talking about. Thankfully I haven't met many of those.


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