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Has my time with Badminton come to an end??
October 10, 2012
4:05 pm
Northern Ireland, UK

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Hey guys, I know a few of you on here and have seen Paul at 3 of his coaching weekends few years ago. Ive been playin badminton with a passion from when I 1st picked up a racket & had a proper game of doubles 6/7 years ago but I fear that my time in this sport has almost come to an end.


I had a good end to the season in April. I won in my division end of year doubles and mixed and got graded up in 1 of the leagues I play in. I decided I wanted to really improve and see how far I could take this. I started getting fit 6 days a week with P90X and insanity workouts. I also went and got coaching from a senior player/coach 2X a week for the whole summer.


I was playing with a group of ones above my standard but I felt that if I play the way I know am capable of, I can compete. To make a long story short, I played with an international player against 2 good players in doubles & we got hammered!! I felt like a complete beginner like id never played before. It was like a flick of a light switch. At that moment, I lost complete interest in the game. If you cant win with a international, what chance will you have with a lesser player. I felt like I was busting my balls all this time for nothing! Unfortunately, this feeling is just there. No matter what i've done, that feeling is just there. The next day, I couldnt train, tried to but I just stopped and that was it was training and getting fit etc. My hearts not in it no more.


And so I took a step back. Tried to play for the fun of it. Which isnt really working. Am either getting crap games because the players are too weak and Im not enjoying it or the games Im getting are too good for me, im not playing like the way I want, & am not enjoying it.


Just wanted to get that off my chest. See if you guys have any advice for me on what to do. Unfortunately ive made a committment with playing in the leagues and am now league secretary so I deal with the fixtures of the teams so i cant really take a break from it totally.


Hope that aint been too long winded. Thanks


October 10, 2012
4:22 pm
Peter Warman
United Kingdom
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Phil, it sounds like a blip, that's all it is.


Badminton is very mind based, happy mind (and confident) equals good play. From my personal opinion, just because you played with an international doesn't mean you will win. After all, this just means that they will pick on you (the weakest player) and also try their hardest as they are playing against an international as well! Image if you were on the other side of the net playing against someone and an international. What thoughts would you be thinking? Lots of combinations like that and the fact that you've never played with the international before cause quite easily be the cause of your downfall.


You don't become a bad player over night, you've just fallen off your bike, now get back on it! You've won tournaments and what not, if you are crap, what are the people that you have beaten?!


Personally, you put far too much into badminton with the training and stuff. At the end of the day, there is only so far you are going to go, and if you are not aiming to be an international, then just embrace it. I can understand you are feeling down (you have a similar post like this before if I recall correctly, and then Paul spoke to you on the phone?), but seriously, if you played with your normal doubles partner, you could have got better scores or won. This international tag is the only thing that's bringing you down. I doubt this international player could beat Lin Dan, but does he give up? No. You got to play to how it suits you. For me, I balance family life with badminton. I don't train, I play once a week and I play in as many matches as I can and I'm happy. Like you, I want to improve, all the time. When I get beaten by a really good player, yeah, I'm like, “if I played twice a week I'd kick you round the court sunshine” but really I know, what I put in, I get out and I'm happy with my balance. And it hurts to get whooped, but afterwards I just think about what I could have done to have given myself a better chance against them, what to improve on. What did they do that killed me? It was “that”, right, I will try and fix “that”.


Chin up, ride the storm Cool

Badminton Gives Me A Purpose In Life – To Serve Others
I'd Rather Be Playing Badminton…………..

October 11, 2012
3:36 pm
Northern Ireland, UK

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Thanks for your words of encourgement Peter. Im just going take step back and try and enjoy it. Ive put my heart and soul into the game and I feel like am no further forward. Very disheartening. Just wanted to improve.


Matches start soon so hopefully the competition side will improve my head. Or it could make me worse! lol. Il have to wait and see

October 11, 2012
4:06 pm
Paul Stewart
Cheshire, UK
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I do feel the need to comment here.


During the last two years your game has been improved at a massive pace. You are now playing against very good players in terms of division 1 and either winning or holding your own, which is impressive. Pat yourself on the back because you deserve it with the amount of effort you have put in.


OK, now's the telling off part – well, sort of…


There is still a gap between top of division 1 and international standard. Remember, you have only just had a few games with these guys and you're talking about giving up? Where's your common sense fighting spirit?


Playing at international level is significantly higher than playing division 1. You have no experience of playing at this level and you've played with players who have some experience at this level. Honestly, what should you really expect? They play on sheer natural ability developed through years of practice. They understand how to think and play the game at international pace. Where have you had the opportunity to do this?


Phil, you've had a great chance to feel and understand what it's like to compete at an even higher level than you've played before or probably ever imagined. Instead of appreciating how good that is, your bleating that your not good enough. What you should be asking of yourself is what else do you need to do to hold your own at this level?


I honestly feel you're dead wrong about the way you're looking at these situations. What you should recognise is that you're now in the in-between stage between 1st division and international. Either pull your socks up, get stuck in and learn where the differences are and how to bridge the gap, or accept that you have become an established top player in your area in a very short space of time.


Phil, you can make the leap to the next standard, simply by playing with these international players more often. It's only the same as starting at a club and playing in the bottom team and being given the opportunity of playing a doubles with the best players in the club. Back then you aspired, set out your game plan and succeeded. So you know what to do.


Get on with it and enjoy the fact international players are now happy for you to join them on court and they play seriously. That means they treat you with respect. So give them the same respect back that they surely deserve and recognise what a magnificent opportunity you've been given.


Call me if you want Phil, but i really think you are looking at this completely wrong.



October 11, 2012
6:27 pm
Northern Ireland, UK

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With regards to standard, i have played against division 1 players and can hold my own to a point if I’m on form!! My prob is consistency. The last 3 times I went and played with these players, I got my ass handed to me on a plate & I was very much the weak player here.


I was happy enough at that but something definately clicked when I got beat when playing with the international player on my side. My va va voom has def me. My motivation has gone so im taking a step back. The times I have played, i aint enjoyed it!


Playing tonight and tomoro night. Ive had to revert back to taking a step back off the line as I was being caught with good flicks. I had to play a awkward overhead cause I cudnt get my body behind it. Althou I think il try toeing the line to start with and if its not working, il take that 1 small step back


In my league, im still seen as the weakest minor A player. When it got mentioned to me playin at the junior team (level up), I practically got laughed at in the committee meeting cause am too weak for it. Maybe they are right. I don't know but my love of the game currently isnt the same and am not playing the way i know I can or maybe thats al in my head.

October 16, 2012
4:13 pm
Paul Stewart
Cheshire, UK
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February 15, 2011
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I can't help you with this via the forum. This would have to be chat on the phone.


Over to you.



December 29, 2012
5:34 am
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December 27, 2012
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Hi Phil

I recently read your posts above and I would be interested to hear how things turned out for you now that a few months have past since you wrote about your situation.



January 2, 2013
12:32 pm
Northern Ireland, UK

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GD said:

Hi Phil

I recently read your posts above and I would be interested to hear how things turned out for you now that a few months have past since you wrote about your situation.




Hi Mate, I have no probs telling you my story. I am still playing but just more socially. To be honest if i never played again, it wouldnt bother me, only playing now to pass the time or to play matches.


The christmas break has been nice, aint even thought about it or played it. I will see how I feel at the end of the season. I may give up, I may not. Prob will stay on and play just to pass the time or for bit of fun.


I believe Ive reached a standard and thats just it. I went to get the coaching, put my balls to the wall so to speak for years. Did everything I could & am still not progressing to the next level where I want to be.


I went to coaching 2 times a week for about 4/5 months for 2 hrs each session and played with other good players also to try and up my game and maybe i just need more practice but ive just got tired of the whole thing. Trying so hard for very little reward. Only so many times you can get beat before it starts to get on your nerves.


I see it now as a pasttime rather than a passion. I have a woman in my life with whom am spending more time with and badminton just isnt important anymore. I sort of envy your feeling now of the sport for I had that for good 6 years. Off at times but that passion was there 90% of the time.


Enjoy it and have fun. I dont worry bout playing now. Am still decent even thou I dont play. Hope that answered sum of your questions. Anything you want to know, feel free to ask



January 2, 2013
5:07 pm
Paul Stewart
Cheshire, UK
Forum Posts: 1283
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February 15, 2011
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Many thanks for your update. What a far cry from the end of last season when you were playing in finals!


It seems to me you have found a special lady in your life and your priorities are changing. There's nothing wrong with that so enjoy the fact that you are enjoying life more than badminton.


There's one thing i would say, speaking from experience. I took some time out from badminton and did not return for 10 years. When I returned I realised that i had been away too long because I was too old to regain the level of fitness to compete. So enjoy what you have my friend.



May 3, 2013
2:38 pm
Northern Ireland, UK

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Well my Badminton journey continues although at a slower and better pace. Actually playing better now lol.


Past 2 weeks, Ive played singles with a friend of mines (better player) and we are closer than ever now when we play. He used to destroy me most game with myself only winning now and again.


I took a long break from the sport only playing league matches. This break was what I needed. Although I want to improve and I am a competitive player, my old approach of going balls to the wall training and playing etc just wasnt working and I was getting worse.


The last 2 weeks i've played have been the best i've ever played and Ive done nothing! Just enjoying the game and focusing on how to get better results (what to do) rather than get annoyed at my mistakes. This seems to be the killer which is hard to switch off once it becomes a habit.


Being an engaged man now, there are more important things than winning a game. playing once a week is enough for me and I know my skill is there, its not going anywhere.


Thought I would give you all an update as its been 4/5 months since i was last on here lol

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