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How to beat people that's is a lot faster than you?
April 4, 2012
7:12 pm
Forum Posts: 49
Member Since:
December 29, 2011
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

I played a tournomant against other guy and he is a lot faster than me but I’m not that fast I did eventually win because his shot is not very good. I got most of my point by smashing and his error. The score was 24-22 and 21-18. I’m dying after that game. Where ever I hit it he can get there, not like lee Chong Wei but he gets there still able to return it. My shot is pretty decent. So how to beat people like that.

April 4, 2012
11:47 pm
Forum Posts: 25
Member Since:
July 21, 2011
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

It's very tough to beat a good “retriever.” Here are some things that have worked for me:


* Estimate their fitness level vs yours and compare to the number of steps required and play accordingly. I played in a tournament against someone younger, faster and fitter than me, but he also had less control. I felt that he would be taking 3 steps for every step I took, so I asked myself–is he 3x fitter than me? I thought he wasn't so I played a controlled game, minimized errors, and made sure he got a nice tour of the court. He eventually slowed down and I won comfortably. If I had felt he was more than 3x fitter than me, I would have tried attacking more and ending the points quicker.

* I've found that many retrievers have weaknesses in their technique/shots; they've been able to get away with it due to their ability to recover after a bad shot. You found a weakness in his smash return. What was it that lead to the smash–was there a sequence or weakness where your opponent often threw up a weak clear or other shot you could smash? Exploit that weakness.

* Some people have said try to slow the game down. Take your time between points. I find this distracting as I have a pace I'm comfortable with, but it is something I've heard.

* Improve your fitness level.

* Add deception to your repertoire. If you can wrong-foot your opponent, it will take a lot more out of them to recover.

April 5, 2012
9:58 am
Paul Stewart
Cheshire, UK
Forum Posts: 1283
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February 15, 2011
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Some good points here.


The reason for slowing the game down is simple. Fast players tend to like playing shots at full pace. Messing around with their timing by slowing the game down, adding softer shots and variation like slice smash can really upset them.


But, you have to be able to play this game which is part of learning. You should be able to play more than one type of game well in order to have the variation required to win.


Fast players tend to like power so they react to it. They all like pace on every shot which allows them to play at their natural rhythm. Unsettle the rhythm and they make mistakes.


Every player has a natural rhythm they like to play at. Therefore your ability to mix speeds and still play a good solid game will ensure you have a more well-rounded game to take on and beat different styles of opponent.



April 5, 2012
10:58 am
Forum Posts: 46
Member Since:
May 19, 2011
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline


All of the above are very good points. I would like to add a few more.

I can relate to this situation very well as i have a friend at the club i play who is a retriever. He is very fast and has a decent attack however his clears are not very good. You can try playing lots of attacking clears and lifts. Also being no matter how fast someone is he will struggle to reach every shuttle so try to hit very close to the lines and corners and if you get a slightly short lift attack and move in. Try to get the quick points and also be unpredictable (try using a few trick shots or dummy on the smashes). Also some players have a habit of neglecting either the clear or drop shots so if your opponent is one of the position yourself correctly eg. He doesnt use the clear a lot than move your base a little forward and push in at the net and take his drops early, force him out of his comfort zone.



April 12, 2012
1:16 am
Forum Posts: 49
Member Since:
December 29, 2011
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Tried what Terence said and it work he is faster than me but not by lot and also he is no way 3x fitter than me so I played my games with more control and all shot to line. I didn’t have to run at all today. All the shot he return is reallybad so I just keeping the rally going waste his energy and when opportunity comes finish the point. I am not very fast around the court but I have better reading of the game than him so I easily beat him at front of the court. Also I realise when jump smash his right foot is straight but when he try trick me is a smash but doing a drop his knee is bending backward so when that happen I move forward quickly and get ready for kill so net.

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