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Injury - golfers elbow/tennis elbow?
March 19, 2012
2:01 pm
New Member
Forum Posts: 2
Member Since:
March 19, 2012
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Hello everyone,

I've picked an inury recently from playing badminton. I have not received a formal diagnosis and just wondered what everyones thoughts were on it.

I seemed to have picked up the injury from hitting smashes using from what i can see, the wrong technique. I have bought a tennis elbow brace but i dont think its doing the job because my technique is still off. When i hit a smash, i am not locking my elbow on impact, but rather there slight bend or more to on my elbow. Is this a fundamental flaw in my technique which could cause this injury? I have tried straightening my elbow on smashes and i noticed when i do pull it off successfully, there is little or no strain on my elbow.. but i am having trouble doing this consistently. Would an elbow brace help?I am sorry if i have posted this to the wrong section, maybe it should be in the beginners section? 


many thanks ppl

March 21, 2012
3:26 pm
Paul Stewart
Cheshire, UK
Forum Posts: 1283
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February 15, 2011
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Why don't you send me a video of you hitting the shuttle?


There are many reasons why players develop elbow injuries. Poor technique is certainly a major contributor but also incorrect choice of racquet, slow shuttles, incorrect grip size play their part too.


Whilst you may be on the right lines with regard to your injury I would suggest investing time with a coach who may see other issues that need addressing that may be playing a bigger part than you realise.



March 23, 2012
9:52 am
Forum Posts: 3
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March 12, 2012
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Hello Miz.

I would suggest you add some muscle to your arms. Maybe doing some arm excercise to build more strength.

Last time i palyed you, i noticed you where holding a very expensive £100+ Yonex racket and struggling to swing it. Also i noticed the grip had worn so badly that it felt like you were holding a bat.

Maybe you could add some decent grip so you dont get a lot of vibration on your shots.


Hope this helps

March 23, 2012
10:22 am
New Member
Forum Posts: 2
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March 19, 2012
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Thanks for the responses, I will try and get a video over the weekend – but personally I think my technique is flawed in more than one way and I feel you are right in terms of getting a coach and it is something I may look into, at least for the sake of not injuring myself further.


@Sayekm, thanks for your input – I am in the process of adjusting the grip and some light arm exercises. Will give you another game in a few weeks time.

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