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I've dishonoured my favorite sport
April 2, 2012
7:07 pm
Jonathan BEL
Forum Posts: 105
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April 4, 2010
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Hello guys,


I hope everyone's fine.


Some update about my Badminton life, yesterday, got to play my third final of this season in male double. I came to win it with my partner but I felt and am still feeling bad on how things went out.

After the interval of the second game while we were leading, we got a short dispute over the score. That dispute started again while my opponent heard me talking to my partner about that score possible mistake. Under stress, I had to put that out of my mind to recompose myself and my “technic” is to talk about it like with a psychologist. I should have “shut up” (Sorry for the expression).

He blamed me for not telling the score and just giving the score I wanted just to take advantage. That made me so angry because I was counting every point and saying it loud enough (but apparently it wasn't enough for them) for everyone around while their team stayed silent. They didn't even argue or acquiesce about the score during the game. Suddenly out of nowhere, they just pretend it was like 11-8. I was certain it was 11-7 because I kept counting and checking the score with my partner.

It was bad faith from them to say that I didn't give the score and I can swear I was fair and square during the whole tournament. Remember I have no ranking and just play Badminton as a leisure, so there's no valid reason for me to get fired up just for one point.

That led to the point where an umpire was called to take over the match. Honestly, I was about to propose it but someone from the other team support did it for us. 

The other team went to lose their focus and made a lot of mistakes. In the third game, one of them had cramps as well.

Final score : 16/21 (for the other team) – 21/14 – 21/9

In the end, I've won but at which prize ? People will think I'm a bad player with no dignity while I was trying to play fairly and started to argue because the other guy was condescending to me. I also remembered he sent the shuttle back by almost smashing it on the back of my partner and that, noone saw it and reported to the umpire, neither did I. He quickly apologized but I felt he wasn't sincere at all.

I admit my behaviour might not be appropriate at some point but the guy was way too provocating.


Some players who were watching us, told me that I didn't do anything wrong as that point wouldn't have saved the other team but again, I felt like I didn't deserve to win especially against a wounded guy. I didn't even celebrate with my partner due to that.


My first comment to a youngster that saw me playing was :” My honour is more worthy than a victory in final… ” (Yeah I'm asian guy with an old fashioned mind, that may explain a lot LaughLaugh)


That's it for me. Now I'll start my new “career” at the first level of ranking in Belgium which will be tougher for me 😉 but my Bravesword 09 will there to support me Cool.


Have a nice evening 🙂


April 2, 2012
11:22 pm
Paul Stewart
Cheshire, UK
Forum Posts: 1283
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February 15, 2011
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I think you're being extremely hard on yourself.


First of all, it's up to all players to know the score. The fact that your opponents didn't makes me question there character.


Second, They changed the score, after not knowing what the score was for part of the game. That suggests to me they could have either made a simple error or this was a tactical move to upset you – which they achieved. You did the right thing by asking for an umpire.


The smashing the shuttle at your partner suggests a huge amount of frustration from your opponent which he apologised for. The fact very few players saw this is irrelevant.


OK, so here's the lesson. You played well and won the game. Despite a questionable incident when your opponents were losing the second game and maybe felt the match was turning against them, I think you played a perfect final. Sadly in badminton, as in all sports there are those who like to win and those who don't care how they win.


I think you should celebrate because you know you played a good game and did not cheat. The fact the incident happened should not lessen the fact that you won. After all, they brought in an umpire which took away your need to score and allowed you to play. They should also have called the score out loud to ensure there was no error so it's their fault they had no idea what the score should be.


So Jonathan, go out and celebrate a win and hold your head up high that you won a final. Set the rest aside because you must have played some really good badminton to win – and that's worth celebrating!



April 3, 2012
2:02 pm
Peter Warman
United Kingdom
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Jonathan, I agree with Paul, you are being rather hard on yourself. Regardless of whether you had the right score, you were trying to play and play fairly.


If they weren’t sure of the score, they should have asked. In terms of saying the score after each point, can get annoying in certain times but fair play for actually trying to let everyone know.


Judging by what you have written, also bearing in mind that we only know your side of the story, it sounds to me like the player knew he was injured before play started. Some people can argue and not even effect them, but when you are an honest person trying to play it right (like myself), then yes, it can effect your game. And even if the score was how you called it or how they called it, it does not matter as it will play on your mind to whether you were right etc etc. To me the score lines tell the story, lost first game to 16 and then completely wiped the floor the next two games with someone watching the game. Enough said.


I would like to say also, well done, all the things you have spoken about take balls/guts to do or say. At the end of the day, it’s their word against yours, and things can get out of hand. Hitting your partner in the back when returning the shuttle, sounds like frustration as Paul said, and regardless of the apology, I am sure deep down it was not intended. Remember, they are still in frustrated mode.


Personally, I think they feared you and still do. They knew it was going to be a tough match before it started and were behind in the first game. I believe that had you not got an umpire, they may have score fiddled more in the other games.


I’d like to finish by saying, I agree with Paul 100%, that you should be celebrating your win. The better team won and common sense prevailed. You should not feel guilty in any way. The guy would have got wounded if it this situation never happened, as it’s something that happens in badminton. People have different weakness and injuries is one of them.


As for your team saying you didn’t do anything wrong as that one point didn’t matter in the end does not wash with me. It effected the first game and even if you had won by a point, you were trying to keep score and letting them know the score too!


I have had and still get the odd people score fiddling, it will never go away. Some times peoples abilities are limited and there desire is so great to win, that they resort to this sort of thing.


Well done on winning, and keep going Cool

Badminton Gives Me A Purpose In Life – To Serve Others
I'd Rather Be Playing Badminton…………..

April 3, 2012
11:13 pm
Jonathan BEL
Forum Posts: 105
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April 4, 2010
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Thank you for your support. I really appreciate.


I admit you only have one side of the story so it's not easy for you to believe all I've said.

But I still do not understand why people just act like that. It's not like we will become the next “Lin Dan” or “Lee Chong Wei”. Is the pleasure of playing Badminton not enough for some of them ?


I play tournaments because of the nice atmosphere. I meet new friends and I can play against new opponents which forces to think more about tactics. At 25 yo, I don't think I will achieve anything so no real pressure for me while playing 🙂


Anyway, it was another lesson for me. I'll go further while thinking about what I should do to avoid that to happen again.


Now my next goal is to pass 2 rounds in “C2” (my new category).


Thank you again for your kind comments 🙂



April 4, 2012
2:20 pm
Paul Stewart
Cheshire, UK
Forum Posts: 1283
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February 15, 2011
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I've seen amazing things happen to players at age 55 during my residential weekends so there is plenty of time for you.


Most of the time you will meet nice people in badminton. Occasionally you will meet some who may be having a bad day, be completely mistaken regards situations arising on court or be complete cheats with a win at all costs strategy. The good thing is the latter are very rare as most clubs don't want to associate themselves with people like that.


Be aware that your interpretation of events can also be misguided. Let me give you an example…


If I gave out some incorrect information to you and found out from another source this was incorrect. You could say to yourself


1) Paul has made a mistake

2) Paul is wrong

3) Paul is a liar


The information provided to you has not changed but how you decide upon the meaning of this information is relevant. So being aware of this is important as it is you who decides what interpretation you give to words or events.


If you think back to the incident you reported, are your opponents mistaken, completely got it wrong because they weren't listening to the score, or are they cheats? Hopefully you'll see how important this is using this example.


Remember at professional level there are bad line calls, good line calls that the player doesn't like because they honestly felt the shuttle was landing out, and fair line calls that they completely got wrong. At least at their level they have line judges and umpires to keep the game and opponents in order.



April 4, 2012
11:48 pm
Jonathan BEL
Forum Posts: 105
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April 4, 2010
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I read your last post with a lot of attention. It was very interesting and instructive as always.I will keep that in mind for sure 🙂


Talking about your residential weekends, I still have to attend one of them. Just don't have much time due to studies CryCry But it will end soon Cool



April 5, 2012
9:50 am
Paul Stewart
Cheshire, UK
Forum Posts: 1283
Member Since:
February 15, 2011
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Believe it or not, we now have players on a reservation list as the course is already full for September. I know we will have a few drop out but can't say how many.


So it's more likely that it will be 2013 before I see you.


To make things easier, all you need to worry about is getting to Manchester Airport and I'll take care of your transport to Lilleshall. I only offer this to one player and Phil from Ireland will confirm that I have collected him from the airport, let him stay in my house and driven him to Lilleshall and back and returned him to the airport.



April 5, 2012
4:50 pm
Forum Posts: 76
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December 31, 2011
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Hey guys that was a good discussion to read. I agree with what has been said – you won fair and square so celebrate and move on. You cannot control the way others behave or act but you can control yourself. I play to win but don’t mind losing as long as I have put in a good effort. And if I lose then it is my fault – even if it is a dodgy line call or scoring error.

Pleased to hear from Paul that even at my age (52) there is hope! Here’s to everyone’s success (plagiarising Paul 🙂 )



April 5, 2012
10:32 pm
Jonathan BEL
Forum Posts: 105
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April 4, 2010
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@ Paul : 2013 ??? Yell

I knew your residential weekends were succesful but to have a reservation list… Oh Good Lord. Well, I'll try to be patient then.

I have to attend to the All England once in my life as well Laugh Apparently 2013 will be my “Dedicated to Badminton” Year Cool


@ John: Thank you for your comment 🙂

April 6, 2012
4:45 pm
Paul Stewart
Cheshire, UK
Forum Posts: 1283
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February 15, 2011
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I look forward to your dedicated year to badminton. And yes, I really look forward to sharing a court with you too.


As always it's best to apply for my residential courses early to avoid disappointment. I think we are now getting recognised as a credible coaching team which is nice. I would like to run more courses but it's not practiccal this year due to the refurbishment being carried out with the facilities.



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