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I've dishonoured my favorite sport
April 10, 2012
1:44 pm
Forum Posts: 7
Member Since:
January 9, 2012
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Hey Folks


Really interesting thread and apologies for coming in late but been busy in work for a couple of weeks.  (Need to pay the mortgage etc).

Jonathan, you did nothing wrong here and you’ll never get in to the mind of someone else, so move on, as long as you can leave with your hand on your heart and say, I was honest, then that’s the end of it.

Something similar happened to me very recently, playing doubles we were in the very final stages of a tightly fought third game, previous two were 26-24, 26-28 and I was serving when the third game was at 22-21, you get the idea.  Anyway, took my time with my serve, deep breath, relax and boy, it was a beauty, low over the net landing nicely just inside the outer line, deserved a photo kind of shot.  Don’t make them that beautiful very often.


At which point my opponent jumped up and shouted ‘I was not ready’ aye right, we looked at each other and noded just before I served.


But my mind set was ‘whatever’ I know what I did and so did they, it was a beauty.


We lost the game just after my reserve, but I’m not that bothered, it was a cracker, no matter what they said.


At 55 years of age, I’m past arguing over a point.


Still love the game though.


Paul, one of these days I’ll get to your training course, I’ll just make sure I book really early.



April 10, 2012
2:46 pm
Forum Posts: 186
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March 2, 2010
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Jonathan, cheer up, you won. Period.

I accompany a few of our youth players on their competition level. One of the first things I tell them: count loud and clear. When they reach the interclub level, they have at least this good habbit.

Last weekend my son played semi final MD in our national tournament, and a dispute arose (our team said it was in, opposition said it was out). Our team was rather convinced, but asked for a let (they were leading the score). The coach and parents of the oposite youngsters got involved. I was at the the tournament table next to the referee, so couldn't get involved. The tournament referee stepped down and cooled everybody down. But I watched what my son and his partner did. Coach and parents were talking to them both, but my son turned his back and walked away. I could see he was tempered, but he kept his head cool. I was rather proud he maintained his coolness (this time Laugh). They eventually won the match. They lost the final against older guy's, but he clinched 15€ and was floating above the ground, I can tell you ! In itself, this was a good lesson too. How to deal with frustrated opponents/coaches/parents/… ?

Like a few people mentioned, no way you can avoid this. You will probably always meet people like these, regardless the level/sport/place/culture/… Lets just hope the majority of the people you meet are playing fair, and fore fun. That's what keeps me going, anyway.

Well done !

Cheers, ED

April 11, 2012
9:16 am
Paul Stewart
Cheshire, UK
Forum Posts: 1283
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February 15, 2011
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Many congratulations to your son. What a wonderful achievement.



April 12, 2012
12:04 am
Jonathan BEL
Forum Posts: 105
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April 4, 2010
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@ Ed and Allan : Thank you all for your comments 🙂

@ Ed : Congrats to your son as well 🙂 It's not very often that a youngster can behave that calm on a court. I saw lots of them during the same tournament and honestly, if I was a referee, I would have given them a little warning off court (but not a card) for throwing rackets, crying, shouting, etc.

I will add that you did well by not trying to interfere with the match in progress even though it's your son who is on court (and I know what I'm talking about) and by teaching your youngsters good habits.


Moreover, what I hate the most in that kind of situation, is when someone outside of the court get involved (coaches, parents, etc). They can make a little dispute getting into a huge one just because they couldn't restrain themselves. 


And yes, I do hope that I will meet more fair players in the future as I still want to enjoy Badminton 😉 But next time, I'll shout all over the court to make sure my opponents are well aware of the score Laugh



April 22, 2012
10:21 pm
Jonathan BEL
Forum Posts: 105
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April 4, 2010
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Hello Guys,

I am very pleased to announce you that I have redeemed myself Laugh Even though all of you think it isn’t necessary Wink

Today, I’ve won my last tournament in D category (D = Not ranked players). Everything went fine as every match I’ve played was really fun and fair. Every potential conflict was avoid by calling a let and the score was always acknowledged by both teams.


It is the sweetest victory of this season for me as it is my first and only one in mixed with my dear partner.


For male double, I was killed in semi-final. I wasn’t very happy with my performance but all the credit went to my opponents. They were way stronger than us.

Anyway, now, I’m smiling again and ready for my last tournament of this season in my new category 😉

I hope all of you enjoy a lot of success in Badminton too 🙂



April 25, 2012
12:50 pm
Forum Posts: 7
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January 9, 2012
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Hey Jonathan

Congrats, sounds like you had some really good games.

Even more importantly, sounds like you really enjoyed yourself, without that, it's not worth it.

Keep smiling and keep enjoying it.

Allan Laugh

April 25, 2012
4:29 pm
Paul Stewart
Cheshire, UK
Forum Posts: 1283
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February 15, 2011
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Many congratulations. Semi-final place and a win is an excellent achievement and even better when it was an enjoyable experience. Well done!



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