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April 5, 2010
1:34 pm
Jonathan BEL
Forum Posts: 105
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April 4, 2010
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May I know which muscles should be more developped for the practice of Badminton ? I’m planning to do some “body-building” when having some time so it would be nice if it helps me for Badminton.



April 5, 2010
8:50 pm
Paul Stewart
Cheshire, UK
Forum Posts: 1283
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February 15, 2011
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Rather than consider body building as most of us know it, find a professional trainer who can recommend the right exercises that are more sport specific. Otherwise, you may be bulking up which is the worst thing you can do if you wish to improve at badminton.

A good professional trainer should know the requirements of badminton, i.e. strength, speed, explosive power, flexibility, endurance.


April 5, 2010
11:30 pm
Jonathan BEL
Forum Posts: 105
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April 4, 2010
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Well, the thing is we don’t have what you call a “good professional trainer”. In our club, I only have two trainers and none of them can be considered as “professional”. That’s a pity ’cause I really want to improve my game.

I know personally a former Belgian champion but she isn’t disposed to teach us properly. I had the opportunity to follow one week of training with her. I wasn’t convinced about her teaching methods.

For now, I’m still looking for a good trainer but it is nearly hopeless.

April 9, 2010
8:17 pm
Paul Stewart
Cheshire, UK
Forum Posts: 1283
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February 15, 2011
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Hi Jonathan

If you don’t find a trainer, then send me a message and we’ll try and put a program together for you.


April 9, 2010
10:51 pm
Forum Posts: 186
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March 2, 2010
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Hi Paul, it would be nice to share this info (if possible). The badminton season is comming to an end within a few months, and a (judo) friend of mine asked me to go to a fitness at the end of the season (to maintain our shape). So I too would be interrested in what to do, or what not to do, in the gym.
Thanks in advance !


April 10, 2010
2:33 am
Jonathan BEL
Forum Posts: 105
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April 4, 2010
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Paul said:

Hi Jonathan

If you don’t find a trainer, then send me a message and we’ll try and put a program together for you.



Any advice from you would be appreciated as I know for sure that I won’t be able to find a trainer for the end of the season or for the next one.

As I don’t play much during holidays, it will be fine if I have a program to follow in order to stay in good shape and maybe improve some of my movements.



April 11, 2010
5:26 pm
Paul Stewart
Cheshire, UK
Forum Posts: 1283
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February 15, 2011
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OK guys, I see that you need information on training. How do you want me to present it? Via the forum or a series of articles on the blog?

There’s a lot to cover on training and I don’t profess to be the expert on weight training although I have done a lot with a highly qualified personal trainer.

It may be useful to have an idea what your current training consists of including time available for training and then I can help shape a program to suit you.

Over to you guys.


April 11, 2010
6:19 pm
Jonathan BEL
Forum Posts: 105
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April 4, 2010
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Hi Paul,


It’s really nice from you to take care of our little problems haha. For the presentation, it’s up to you. But if there are some specific movements or anything, it could be nice to have a video or picture (or whatever support you think is OK) to see clearly how to do it properly.Oh and take your time, I’m not really in a hurry. For this season, I don’t really expect anything to happen but next year, I will try to take part in tournaments as much as I can in order to gain experience.


As I told you any advices from you will be much appreciated as I don’t have any training, I’m just playing around with friends.


Thanks in advance.

April 12, 2010
3:09 pm
Paul Stewart
Cheshire, UK
Forum Posts: 1283
Member Since:
February 15, 2011
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Most of the technique and skill training will be available on my online coaching program, due for launch in May. What I’d like to use the forum for is off court training which is the key preparation you need to do for next season.

In order to do this, I need to know what training methods you’re using now, whether in the gym, road running or in the house.

I’ll them help you design a fitness training program and, after seeing you video, an on court training program.


April 12, 2010
4:28 pm
Jonathan BEL
Forum Posts: 105
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April 4, 2010
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I don’t really have what we can call a program but when I’m doing “off court training”, it is most of the time running 15/20 minutes on the “running machine” (sorry don’t know how to call it in English) at a constant speed. Right now, I’m quite busy so I’m not training anymore for that.

At home, I sometimes do weighlighting with weights of 4kg each.


So nothing really serious for now.

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