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For this one day course, my co-coach is Kate Way.

Kate has been involved in badminton for many years running clubs, coaching and promoting the sport. She is extensively involved in badminton within the LGBT+ community both in London and the South East and is actively involved in promoting diversity and inclusion in the sport.

Now living in Worthing she is coaching both able bodied and disabled adults and children in the local community.

Course Details

Date: Sunday 8th October, 2023

Time: 9:15am – 4:45pm

You will be on court for between 6 & 7 hours, allowing for breaks.

Each player will be asked to provide 2 subjects they would like to cover – a form will be provided to send this information to Paul after you book your place.

Price: £125 per player, which includes court hire, coaching and feather shuttles

Number of Places Remaining: 1

Please note, all places must be pre booked and paid for in advance of the course date.

Please note: By booking onto one of our courses, you agree to our Terms and Conditions

What Else Do You Need To Know?

As these are one day courses, please bring with you:

plenty of water

a packed lunch

any other refreshments you prefer

Learning new skills requires patience, and therefore you will find that repetition is the key to success, and is far less physically tiring than playing games. To learn, you need to see the correct way, understand the components of the skill and finally, feel the difference when you complete the skill. When you feel the shot, you are then able to repeat it and later, develop the speed to use in a game.

These one-day courses are specifically designed to answer some of the key questions I am asked by players, like you. There will be lots of time for questions throughout the day.

I am confident that you will have a great day and learn so much.

Please note: By booking onto one of our courses, you agree to our Terms and Conditions

Prefer A Different Date Or Location?

Complete the form below to express your interest in One Day Badminton Courses across the UK in 2024/25, and be notified once dates are released