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Tactic Rackets(Nami Blade 9900)
April 18, 2012
8:30 pm
United Kingdom
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April 18, 2012
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So recently I've been looking for a new racquet that'll suit my style so my dad's friend introduced me to the brand, Tactics. I did some research on this brand and found out that it was a company that basically copies of Yonex racquets so whatever racquet Yonex would come out with Tactics would make a clone of it and call it a different name. In my research that I did I found out that alot of people have said it's not much difference that the original Yonex racquets and some said it was even better! My dad's friend has been playing badminton for around 30 years and he's now a badminton coach, he told me that he uses Tactics racquets more than he uses Yonex racquets. Because I was looking at the nanospeed 9900 he told me that he has both Yonex nanospeed 9900 and the Tactics nami blade 9900 and even said that the tactics racquet had better control and was better than the Yonex one.


So my question is has anyone tried out any tactics racquets or has any opinion on this brand? 


P.s Tactic's racquets are a fraction of the price of Yonex racquets.

April 18, 2012
10:17 pm
Forum Posts: 72
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June 16, 2010
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If you want something 'like' Yonex, just buy Yonex.  If money is an issue, I would imagine there are better rackets brands available. 

A few things that I have experienced regarding badminton equipment;

1). You get what you pay for. 

2). Yonex makes an excellent product.  They have an excellent reputation.  And though some of their higher end rackets can get pricey, there are great playing, fairly priced rackets in the midrange.

3). I have yet to swing a clone that plays anything near the original. IMO anyone that tells you that a clone plays “even better”  is trying to sell you something.


All that aside, it sounds like to you have an opportunity to get your hands on one through your Dad's friend, go swing it! 





April 20, 2012
11:26 pm
Paul Stewart
Cheshire, UK
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I do hope this isn't another attempt to sell a brand without my permission.


I'll take it for now this is just a genuine question.


I haven't heard of the brand. Anyone quoting to be better than Yonex at a fraction of the price will meet with resistance from players. I'm a little tired of the Yonex clones in the market and it would be nice if these brands manufacture racquets that are good with trading off another brand, and just build their reputation from ground up.


I recently tested and reviewed 10 APACS racquets and it was a delight to see they are now moving away from the clones and creating their own ranges at good prices. I hope Tactic rackets do the same.


I do find it funny that manufacturers always choose the top of the range to compare to. This way they will always be cheaper but essentially we are not comparing like with like. A NS9900 only plays like an NS9900. No other racquet plays the same, feels the same. There are many racquets that have a similar appeal and but identical. That's fine. However, most of these do not claim to play the same or better.


Anyone knowing racquets will tell you that we all feel racquets differently so what feels close to one player could feel a million miles off to another.


The market in UK is diverse and little pockets of unknown brands pop up every now and again. It's healthy for the market and hopefully the quality is such that it tempts players to have a go and maybe even invest in them. That's all good unless they are being sold by people trying to make a living almost on the black market. Then these people are taking sales away from retailers who sometimes work tirelessly for a small element of market share. They are the people being hurt in situations like these and then we moan when they go out of business.


Rant over – I hope these racquets are genuinely good and are being sold by people trying to generate a little brand awareness prior to launching properly in UK. If they are, then please do not ask me to review the racquets for at least 6 months as I have enough to do.



April 22, 2012
3:42 pm
United Kingdom
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Haha this is definitely not advertising to sell a brand, I'm just a teenager who is pretty new to badminton and has only little knowledge about badminton racquets:')

Since I was able to get a new racquet I went to my dad's friend for advise as he was a badminton coach so he introduced me to this brand and he also gave me his nanospeed 9900(Yonex one) and the z slash(Yonex)to let me try it out and see which one suited me the best. I'm going to be ordering the namiblade 9900 in the next few days and try it out myself and make a comparison between the namiblade and the nanospeed. I'm buying it off Ebay and it has a 14 day trial so if I don't like it I'll just return it:)


Thanks for both posts, it gave me more knowledge about badminton racquets:)

April 25, 2012
12:56 am
Forum Posts: 15
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April 5, 2011
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I have tried a Tactic racket that was supposedly an exact clone of my Yonex racket. To me it felt nothing like the real deal, however, the strings were factory strings and about 6 lbs slacker than those on my racket so that can make comparison hard. 
Personally I wouldn't bother but it's your call.  

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