It’s surprising to find New Year is upon us yet again. Where did the year go?

Looking back, it’s been a tremendous year for us. We launched the forum, my Online Coaching Program and My Residential Coaching Weekend. Thank you so much to all those players who have attended or contributed to our badminton world in 2010.

So what’s in store for 2011?

I’ve a number of racquet reviews to complete early January, so expect to see reviews on Arcsaber 5DX, Nanospeed 6600 and Victor Bravesword 9. I will also be reviewing other racquets in 2011. So, at some stage I’ll be demoing Li Ning racquets and Carlton racquets for Direct Sports – more to follow on this subject as we get things moving.

It’s 101st All England Championships this year. Of course, I will be there again hoping to bring you my thoughts on the days matches. If you’re going, let me know as we may be able to meet up. I’ll also be seeing the new Voltric range of racquets as they are scheduled for launch at this tournament, together with Yonex latest shoes SHB102.

I have numerous videos to write and record for my Online Coaching Program and I’m also going to write a few to include on my blog for all readers.

It’s been a while since I ran a competition. Yet again, I’ll introduce a competition with a difference. You may recall my last competition was titled guess what’s in Paul’s racquet bag? This time around, I’m going to run a competition especially for those forum members who contribute to the forum on a specific month. The draw will only take place for the top 20 forum members from quality posts written – more on that when we’re ready to launch the competition.

Of course I have to mention the Residential Coaching Weekend. We’ve already registered 5 players for March course and 2 for September. Additionally, there are numerous players waiting to confirm dates before booking, so hopefully we’ll record full classes for both weekends. I may have more training tools to test by then to aid to the already successful tools I tested and introduced this year.

No doubt as the year unfolds I’ll be introducing a lot more to this blog and I sincerely hope you continue to enjoy the articles, reviews and videos.

Until I write again, I wish you, your family and friends a very Happy, Healthy and Successful New Year. I’m looking forward to sharing our badminton experiences in 2011.
