Three Simple Tips To Increase The Power Of Your Badminton Smash

2020-07-24T09:04:05+01:00By |Categories: Badminton Articles, Badminton Basic Skills, Coaching Corner, Racquet Technique|Tags: , , , |

One of the hottest topics I cover in my online coaching program is increasing power to your badminton smash. Wherever I travel to coach, [...]

The Basics Most Badminton Club Players Choose To Ignore – And They Wonder Why Their Scores Don’t Improve!

2018-02-19T09:54:15+00:00By |Categories: Badminton Articles, Badminton Basic Skills, Coaching Corner|Tags: , , |

Whenever I’m asked to visit a club for a coaching evening, I ask the organiser to canvass the club members and give me a list [...]