Simple Training Ideas To Prepare You For The New Badminton Season

2023-07-21T12:01:36+01:00By |Categories: At Home Training, Badminton Articles, Badminton Training, Coaching Corner, Fitness|Tags: , |

For many, badminton is a seasonal sport. As soon as the leagues and tournaments are over, the racquets are put away and “summer” begins. [...]

Advanced Armchair Badminton Exercises

2020-09-30T06:43:38+01:00By |Categories: At Home Training, Badminton Coaching Videos, Badminton Training, Coaching Corner|Tags: , , , |

In this third Armchair Badminton Exercises video I focus on improving your wrist and forearm strength further using everyday household objects.   [...]

Why Is It That Whenever We Discuss Doubles Positioning On A Badminton Court, We Never Consider The Non-hitting Player?

2018-08-13T16:28:20+01:00By |Categories: Badminton Articles, Badminton Training|Tags: , , , , |

Recently, I’ve been focussing on doubles positioning with players I’m coaching. During the sessions I was testing a new theory of mine and used [...]

Building a Bullet Proof, Highly Positive, Super-Charged Badminton Player Who Simply Refuses To Give Up or Believe They’re Beaten Until The Last Point Is Won – Part 1

2018-08-13T19:41:44+01:00By |Categories: Badminton Articles, Badminton Training, Coaching Corner|Tags: , |

The main theme in my last coaching article revolved around getting rid of bad behaviour on the badminton court that was leading to poor [...]

Is Your Mindset Destroying Your Chances of Winning Your Badminton Match?

2020-09-19T09:12:53+01:00By |Categories: Badminton Articles, Badminton Training|Tags: , , , |

I’ve been following a very interesting thread on my forum recently where members have posted a range of scenarios that have contributed to a [...]